You already understand how to use MIDI keyboards well and hence, features, not price is your top concern. However, you want something that you can carry around with you to gigs and jamming sessions. You're a serious musician who already has one or multiple larger keyboards at home.Cost and ease of use are your primary concerns. You will primarily use it on your desktop with a laptop, but you also want to be able to carry it around to a friend's place for a jamming session.
You're a beginner looking for a cheap, small, and portable MIDI keyboard to help you produce music.If you're reading this, you likely fall into one of the two categories: So while I'm tempted to just direct you to our page for the best 25-key MIDI keyboards, I feel that there are a few things I should clarify about buying mini keyboards. Not exactly something you can drop into your backpack and lug around! The Behringer Deepmind, for instance, packs in a powerful synthesizer into the keyboard and weighs in at a whopping 15 lbs.

Some keyboards might have a small size but use a heavier chassis which adds to their weight. That doesn't mean that all mini keyboards are equally portable.

By virtue of their limited key count, all such keyboards can be classified as “mini”. To use the term “mini” keyboard is to essentially refer to keyboards that have between 25 and 37 keys, i.e.

What's the best mini MIDI keyboard for touring musicians? What kind of features you should look for when buying one? Should you choose the traditional wired keyboards, or should you spring for a wireless one? I'll share answers to these questions and more in this detailed guide to the best mini MIDI controllers on the market. We might get a commission if you buy gear through a link on this page. Midi Nation is supported by our great readers.